Imagine a world where every choice you make creates a new version of yourself, each one living a different life based on the paths you didn’t take. Welcome to The Alters, a mind-bending sci-fi game that lets you explore the limitless possibilities of alternate realities.

Concept and Story

In The Alters, you step into the shoes of Jan Dolski, a man grappling with the consequences of his decisions. Stranded on a deserted spaceship, Jan must create alternate versions of himself—known as “alters”—to survive and solve the mysteries of his predicament. Each alter represents a different life path and possesses unique skills and perspectives, making collaboration between them essential for overcoming the game’s challenges.

Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay in The Alters revolves around managing your different selves. You’ll switch between alters to utilize their distinct abilities, solve intricate puzzles, and make crucial decisions that affect the story’s outcome. The game seamlessly blends exploration, strategy, and narrative-driven elements, offering a unique experience every time you play.

Key Features

  1. Dynamic Decision-Making: Every choice matters, creating multiple story branches and unique outcomes.
  2. Complex Puzzles: Use the abilities of different alters to tackle a variety of puzzles and obstacles.
  3. Immersive Storytelling: Dive into a deep and thought-provoking narrative that explores themes of identity, consequence, and survival.
  4. Stunning Visuals: Powered by Unreal Engine, The Alters boasts breathtaking graphics that bring its sci-fi world to life.


The Alters is a game that truly stands out in the crowded sci-fi genre. Its innovative concept of managing alternate versions of the protagonist adds a fresh twist to the gameplay, making each session feel unique and engaging. The story is well-crafted, keeping you hooked with its emotional depth and philosophical questions. The puzzles are challenging yet rewarding, requiring you to think creatively and strategically.

The game’s visuals are nothing short of spectacular, thanks to the power of Unreal Engine. The attention to detail in the environments and character designs enhances the immersive experience, making you feel like you’re part of this alternate reality.

However, The Alters does come with a learning curve. Managing multiple characters and their abilities can be overwhelming at first, but once you get the hang of it, the game becomes incredibly satisfying. The pacing might feel slow for players used to more action-packed titles, but the rich narrative and thought-provoking gameplay more than make up for it.

The Alters is more than just a game; it’s a journey into the endless possibilities of alternate realities. With its captivating story, innovative gameplay mechanics, and stunning visuals, it’s a must-play for any sci-fi enthusiast or gamer looking for something truly unique. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of The Alters and discover the many lives of Jan Dolski.

For more sci-fi game reviews, check out our article on “15 CRAZY NEW GAMES YOU NEED TO SEE! (UPCOMING GAMES 2024).”

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