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Here is the definitive guide and notes to save for Line Trace by Channel for Unreal Engine 5, with examples!

Line Trace by Channel for simple Weapon Fire Bullet trace that originates from player camera. With muzzle flash. :)

This is actually a very slight capsule trace just to make the aiming a bit more forgiving and gameplay more enjoyable, but you should test out both to see which is better for your game! You can also see weapon damage randomization division at the bottom.


Line Trace by Channel for Shotgun bullet spread

the bullet spread end point is randomized with Random Float in Range nodes for each X Y and Z axis slightly for spread, this can be adjusted or made dynamical altogether.

Line Trace by Channel for Grenade Shrapnel Damage

The negative z axis has been excluded from the line trace not to waste the traces on the immediate vicinity of the origin point, but they can be added back with a – value fo the Z min, or switched between 0 and -500 depending on whether or not the grenade is in the air.

Line Trace by Channel for Footstep sounds:


Line Trace by Channel that produces a secondary debug arrow for ricochet orientation based on the hit normal of the component that was hit.

This is a fun way to debug and see how the line trace works!


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